Relationships By Design

34 Life is a Jigsaw Puzzle

Episode Summary

Have you considered your life being similar to a jigsaw puzzle? The only exception being you don’t know how the final picture looks - you get to create it. Let’s enjoy the process!

Episode Notes

Have you considered your life being similar to a jigsaw puzzle? The only exception being you don’t know how the final picture looks - you get to create it. Let’s enjoy the process!

With a jigsaw puzzle, there are definite boundaries and then there are pieces that are pretending sometimes. In your own life, there’s times where you may think you know where your boundaries are but might not always be clear.

“In a jigsaw puzzle sometimes, I’ll put a piece in one spot then later go back and say, no it can’t fit there, this one must go here instead. In my life, the same thing happens – things need to change and shift a little!”

Beliefs also change. As you become more aware, you get to process them too. Then you can find the edge pieces and create those boundaries as well! What will you and will you not accept? It can create conflict within yourself and others if you’re not clear. You can get hard on yourself. Become aware and conscious of your feelings. Paint your own picture, but also bring your partner into that as well in discussion.

Be curious and know the next piece will show up! This can allow you to be judgmental as well. Reflect on your puzzle and the pieces in it! It’s probably a solid picture. Focus on right now, consciously choosing the pieces.

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