Relationships By Design

40 Weathering the Storms in your Relationship

Episode Summary

Bad weather isn’t just outside us; it can also be in the relationship and destroy it from the inside. Agreeing on a strategy, or a plan to deal with the bad weather helps us more quickly get on the path to the life of the relationship we want!

Episode Notes

Bad weather isn’t just outside us; it can also be in the relationship and destroy it from the inside. Agreeing on a strategy, or a plan to deal with the bad weather helps us more quickly get on the path to the life of the relationship we want!

“I think that in couples, there are those that take the time to invest and pre plan my life, and then there are many who are flying by the seat of their pants. Sometimes the results are fabulous… sometimes they are not.”

Dealing with things as they come up is a planned-out process. How do we reduce the casualty in the fall out. Often what works in business works in relationships. You cannot wing your relationship.

Have a bigger vision of what you want your relationship to be. It helps us get back on track. Your honeymoon doesn’t last forever. Awareness of what each other is feeling, and awareness of surroundings & acting upon it in a loving way.

Gratitude is a powerful piece neurologically. When you’re in a state of gratitude, it’s impossible to be angry. It’s about being aware of the good and the bad, creating a vision about the quality of the relationship you wish to have, and developing strategies for when things are going both great, or in crises. And don’t forget to celebrate!


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